Submission Information

Select the type of abstract you wish to submit to the ICIP 2020 Scientific Organizing Committee. Please use the provided downloadable abstract template for abstract submission. Convert your final document file to a .pdf file for submission – other file formats will not be accepted. Abstracts are limited to 1 page only, including references.
Poster presentation format should be vertical with dimensions of 40" (width) × 30" (height). We encourage all attendees to submit at least a poster presentation abstract. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your work and actively contribute to the propagation of radiation science!

ICIP 2020 Abstract Template.docx

Registration Form

I am submitting (Check all that apply:) *

Poster Presentation (Submission deadline May 31, 2020)

Oral Presentation (Submission deadline May 31, 2020)

Oral Presentation:

Select session topic (Select only one): *

Nuclear Fuel Cycle Radiation Challenges
Radiolytic Processes in Space
Fundamental Radiobiology
Fundamental and Ultrafast Radiation Science
Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Radiolysis
Theoretical and Computational Radiation Science
Radiation-Induced Materials Synthesis
Water Purification and Environmental Remediation
Radiation-Induced Materials Damage
Young Investigator (Undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and anyone within 5 years of their first permanent position)
Please enter your presentation title
Please enter your presenting author
Please enter a valid email address
Upload Abstract * (pdf files only)

Poster Presentation:

Select session topic (Select only one): *

Nuclear Fuel Cycle Radiation Challenges
Radiolytic Processes in Space
Fundamental Radiobiology
Fundamental and Ultrafast Radiation Science
Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Radiolysis
Theoretical and Computational Radiation Science
Radiation-Induced Materials Synthesis
Water Purification and Environmental Remediation
Radiation-Induced Materials Damage
Please enter your poster title
Please enter the poster presenter
Please enter a valid email address
Upload Abstract * (pdf files only)