Elizabeth H. Parker-Quaife (2018-2020)


2020-Present       National Nuclear Laboratory, UK

​2018-2020            Postdoctoral Researcher, Idaho National Laboratory

2013-2018            Eng.D., The University of Manchester

2009-2013            M.Chem., The University of Manchester


My primary research interest is the study of materials degradation in a variety of nuclear related environments, with a focus on understanding the effects of radiation induced corrosion processes, e.g. stainless steel and aluminium fuel cladding under reactor and long-term storage conditions. These studies have involved the design and deployment of a high temperature and pressure facility used in conjunction with a variety of ionizing radiation sources.

Recent Publicatons (h-index ?, total publications: 1)

  1. ​​Parker-Quaife, E.H.; Verst, C.; Heathman, C.R.; Zalupski, P.Z.; Horne, G.P., Radiation-Induced Molecular Hydrogen Gas Generation in the Presence of Aluminum Alloy 1100. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2020, 177, 109117.​